Illuminating Cinema and Conversation . . .

brings friends together to find meaning in movies

Once Upon a Time, Cinema (1992) Dir. Mohsen Mahkmalbaf: "Cinema cultivates people."

Greetings cinephile enthusiasts. Welcome to For those of you already familiar with THE MOVIE LOVERS' CLUB: How to Start Your Own Film Group, this site represents a dynamic extension of the book's endeavor at illuminating cinema and conversation. My intention is that The Movie Lovers' Club evolve into an intimate community, even as it connects to, and encourages interaction with, the rich culture of cinema both in the United States and around the world. offers discerning film recommendations, thoughtful commentaries, our own online Movie Club, as well as many other features. Your participation will ensure interactive exchange and lively discussions.

Movie Love
In a 1998 interview, Pauline Kael said: "In front of the screen, I'm still a kid. Movie love is abiding throughout life . . . we're lovers who are let down all the time, and go on loving."

The interviewer responded: "When I'm at the movies, I feel like I'm swept up, lost."

She responded: "I feel as if I'm found."

That's movie love!

Films are the universal language and as such they lead to unlimited and often unimagined experiences, both personal and collective, and broad and specific insight into the human condition. In every country in the world, cinema is a deliverer of delight and delusions. "Cinema cultivates people," says a character in Mohsen Mahkmalbaf's Once Upon a Time, Cinema, a film about the birth of movies in Persia in 1907. The aspiration of is to cultivate cinema magic within our community.

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All text on this website copyright © 2006 Cathleen Rountree. All images and graphics copyright their respective owners, unless otherwise noted. Design by Jay Wertzler.

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The Movie Lovers' Club Site Map
Check here to see what's new! You will find up to date information including NEWS, UPDATES, REVIEWS, EVENTS & APPEARANCES, with links to complete articles. Also, sign up for The Movie Lovers' Club Newsletter on this page.

Check the Site Philosophy page for a more in-depth rendition of what the site offers, what categories of films, or genres, you will find the origin of The Movie Lovers' Club.

The About Cathleen page provides a brief bio of the author (and your online host) of The Movie Lovers' Club. Want to know more? Read the extended version of Cathleen's bio, Cinema Magic: More Real Than "Reel."

The About the Book page is just that, info on THE MOVIE LOVERS' CLUB: How to Start Your Own Film Group with an excerpt from the book.

The Reviews page contains five sections:
1.Reviews of Films Currently in Theatres
2.Reviews of DVDs for Home Movie Viewing
3.An Archive of all previous reviews
4.Dispatches From Film Festivals
5.Doc Talk

The Movie Lovers' Club:
This is the page for The Movie Lovers' Online Club. Your host and facilitator is Jay Wertzler, filmmaker, cinephile, and esteemed webmaster. Here's what you'll find:

The Welcome Room: Introduce yourself and become a member.
Our Online Club: A new film each month for online group discussion and/or use in your own Movie Club. This feature follows the format found in the book: Stats on the film, synopsis, and discussion questions for Reading the Movie and Finding the Meaning. Also, share your own movie critiques and discussion questions.
Start Your Own Movie Lovers' Club: Tips and Suggestions for organizing a Movie Club.

Buy the Book:
That's right. This page links to several online vendors so you can purchase a copy of The Movie Lovers' Club directly. Want an autographed copy? Contact us! You can also read endoresements for the book here. See what Bilge Ebiri, the film critic for New York Magazine, says about The Movie Lovers' Club.

Find links to our favorite film-related sites: Online Programs, Reviews, DVD Reviews, Blogs, Commentaries, Criticisms, Critical Journals (online & print), Industry Sites, Rentals/Sales, Theatre and Film Festival Sites.

See you at the Movie Club!